How to transform plastic materials?

One-third of the plastic produced in the world contains polyethylene. It is actually easier and cheaper to produce than to recycle; most plastics end up in nature and take centuries to decompose. It is thus important that material recycling is…

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How does surface disinfection with a UV lamp work?

Due to the problems caused by the pandemic, a lot of research has been done regarding the safest way to eliminate bacteria and viruses. UV lamps have been found to be effective in this research. They can help in disinfecting…

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Waterjet cutting, a new technology for everyone

Is it possible to use water for cutting? And if so, which materials? Questions such as the ones mentioned above arise spontaneously when confronted with industrial processes such as water cutting. It is certainly well known that a strong concentrated…

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What can you print with a 3D printer?

3D printing is a technique that allows you to concretize a design or 3D art. Nowadays, 3D printing has become commonplace. Several sectors use it to meet their needs and demands. But this technology is not new. Indeed, 3D printing…

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Stereolithography: Why this technology?

Companies and industries in a number of sectors are now using stereolithography. It is a 3D printing technique that distinguishes itself by its innumerable assets. For your products, prototypes, and small and medium series, stereolithography is the solution. This technology…

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